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What It Takes To Get Rid Of Termites In Your Bradenton Home


Termites are wood-consuming insects with an "ant-like" appearance that can generate substantial amounts of property damage in the homes of local property owners. The most prevalent types of termites found in this region include subterranean termites, dampwood termites, drywood termites, and Formosan termites, each of which poses a unique set of challenges. 

Can you treat termites yourself? You have likely made many sacrifices in purchasing, maintaining, and improving your home. Protecting your investment from further termite damage by consulting with a pest management professional is the smart choice. A licensed Bradenton pest control company has a staff that understands the behavior of the different kinds of termites found in this region and the best ways of safely ousting harmful termite infestations. 

Sure Signs Of A Termite Problem Around Your Home

What are some of the telltale signs of a termite infestation? Local homeowners should look for any of these indicators of a potential termite infestation: 

  • During the spring months, winged termite "swarmers" are often visible congregating in groups as their mating season begins.
  • As a result of internal shifts stemming from termite damage, your doors and windows often become more difficult to open or close. 
  • Walls with termite damage often will sound hollow when knocked on. 
  • Floors might become increasingly creaky, and ceilings might begin bowing. 
  • Near the area of termite activity, you might notice small accumulations of a "sawdust-like" material. 

Homeowners are often unaware that a termite problem exists for weeks or months; thus, responding promptly by having a professional property inspection is critical. 

A Termite Infestation Can Cause Extensive Property Damage

Each year throughout the United States, termites generate several billion dollars of damage to property. 

Does the homeowner's insurance cover termite damage? Unfortunately, most standard property insurance policies specifically exclude termite-related damage from the scope of coverage. Consider checking the terms of your specific policy to accurately make this determination. 

Why It Is So Hard To Get Rid Of Termites On Your Own

Termite colonies often have many thousands of members, making it difficult to fully expel them. Do-it-yourself (DIY) home treatment options are inherently susceptible to failure because they do not account for the unique nature of your property and the infestation. A local professional takes a customized approach that is a much better path to success. 

The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Termite Infestation

Who is the best termite control company for my Bradenton home? For more than 20 years now, the professionals with Westfall's Lawn and Pest have assisted Bradenton-area homeowners struggling with termites in their homes. Our service experts adhere to a three-phase process that involves a detailed inspection, customized treatment plans, and long-term exclusionary measures. 

The inspection process is the first step to help determine the nature and extent of the possible termite problem. We look in hard-to-reach places, as termite activity is often not apparent. Our pest professionals have a variety of products and tools at their disposal for solving problems involving termites. We might use baiting stations, trench and treat system options, or localized spot treatments. For those seeking a year-round termite prevention plan, consider our quarterly treatment option. 

As a comprehensive, full-service pest management company, we also assist property owners with rodents, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and many other bothersome creatures that might pose health risks or cause costly property damage. Our team of friendly professionals will take the time to clearly explain your treatment options and answer any questions that might arise. Keep in mind that we remain committed to safety; therefore, we operate in ways that ensure the safety of our customers, their pets, and the local ecosystem. 

Call our office today for further details. 

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