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How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches: A Comprehensive Guide For Bradenton Homeowners


If there's one pest you don't want to see around your Bradenton home, it's grimy, grody, disease-carrying cockroaches. These unsightly invaders are dangerous to people and can transmit pathogens to food, water, and surfaces. The longer you leave roaches to 'go away' on their own, the harder it can be to remove them from your property.

Thankfully, it doesn't take rocket science to get rid of cockroach infestations. As long as you're willing to put in some elbow grease, you can get a handle on the problem with a local pest control company. You can also use prevention tips to keep invaders from coming back, which, as you'll soon see, aren't particularly hard to use.

Let's take a closer look at controlling cockroach infestations in Bradenton, starting with a better understanding of the species nearest our homes.

Understanding The Cockroach Problem: Identifying The Culprits

Florida is home to a wide variety of cockroaches, many of which require high levels of humidity to survive and thrive. A few of the most common cockroach species include:

  • German cockroaches: The German cockroach is the United State's most common roach invader. Keep an eye out for dark, parallel streaks running down the sides of these pests.

  • American cockroaches: Known as America's largest cockroach species, it's hard to miss this giant pest scuttling about your floors.

  • Oriental cockroaches: Sometimes referred to as 'water bugs' by locals, you can find oriental cockroaches in high-moisture areas like basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Now that you're familiar with common cockroach species let's take a look at what their presence can do to your property.

Health Risks And Property Damage: The Hazards Of Cockroaches

Cockroaches may not be easy on the eyes, but the true 'ugliness' of these bugs is more than shell-deep.

For example, cockroach species are known as vector pests, which means they can pick up and disburse serious germs and pathogens. Some illnesses only cause minor pain or discomfort, while others can result in hospitalization or even long-term recovery periods.

Cockroaches can also make it difficult to sell your Bradenton home. Their sickly-sweet scent and nonstop trail of droppings can be off-putting to even the most forgiving buyer. This may cause you to lose thousands of dollars in equity (or even more).

Thankfully, these are problems you can stop altogether by preventing cockroach infestations in the first place.

Cockroach Prevention: Proactive Tips To Prevent Infestations

The best way to protect your home from cockroaches is to prevent infestations entirely.

Here's how to prevent cockroaches in Bradenton and beyond:

  • Clean up food and water spills immediately. The longer you leave consumables in open areas, the more time cockroaches have to investigate your home.

  • Trim brush away from the sides of your home. This includes pruning bushes, lopping limbs, and mowing grass as often as possible.

  • Caulk and seal any openings around your home. You may want to rely on waterproof sealant that can withstand the test of time.

Just remember that these are prevention measures only, not ways to get rid of active infestations. If you think or know there are cockroaches near your home, contact the pros at Westfall's Lawn and Pest right away.

Expert Cockroach Elimination: Call In The Pros Right Away

Don't let cockroaches get in the way of your family's way of life. Instead, contact the professionals at Westfall's Lawn and Pest to request a comprehensive cockroach removal service. 

Our team has experience helping homeowners like you reclaim properties from roaches. As our five-star reviews can attest, we're the right team for home pest control in Bradenton and beyond.

Complete our online contact form to request a local pest control service.

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