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How Do I Keep Flies Out Of My Venice Home?


Belonging to the order Diptera, flies are common winged pests that exist throughout the world in more than 120,000 various species. In North America, there are roughly 18,000 different types of flies. Flies are a problematic pest for homeowners, as they generally breed rapidly and may create a host of health-related concerns. Because flies exist in natural, outdoor environments such as neighborhoods, these small and mobile creatures can easily enter a home. 

What can you use to get rid of flies? Property owners should consider contacting a local pest control professional who understands the best ways of handling these flying creatures. A properly licensed Venice pest control company employs a trained staff of experts who know how to find where flies are coming from and how to get rid of flies quickly.

How Can I Tell What Type Of Flies Are In My House?

What are some of the most common types of flies that property owners in Venice will likely encounter in their homes? Here are some of the most prevalent types:  

  • House flies: The common house fly has a greyish body that measures up to 1/4 of an inch long with four dark stripes and reddish eyes. House flies do not bite or sting; however, they contaminate food and spread harmful bacteria. 
  • Horseflies: Horse flies and deer flies are members of the Tabanidae family and roughly 30 other types found in Florida. Horse flies are less likely to promote diseases compared to many types, yet, they can deliver a painful bite that could create harmful allergic reactions. 
  • Fruit flies: Also commonly called vinegar flies; fruit flies often breed in fruit. Fruit flies usually appear in tan shades and can generate hundreds of eggs; thus, minor indoor intrusions often quickly develop into unmanageable infestations. 
  • Drain flies: Often called filter flies or moth flies, drain flies are small and have scaly wings. These filthy pests often breed in decomposing materials in areas containing garbage or sewage. 
  • Fungus gnats: Most commonly found around house plants when indoors, fungus gnats are small flies that appear grey or black and look similar to a mosquito.  

While these five types of flies are among the most common home-invading types, they represent only a small fraction of the many bothersome flies in the Venice region. 

How Dangerous Is It To Have Flies In My Home?

Some species of flies will bite humans which might result in pain, swelling, and infections. 

Can flies make you sick? Yes. Flies are associated with cholera, typhoid fever, tularemia, and many other health-related problems. The common house fly travels between sources of food and regurgitates liquids. 

How Can I Prevent Flies From Coming Into My House?

Do you know how to keep flies out of yard areas and prevent these unwanted pests from entering your home? Property owners that most effectively prevent flies typically adopt a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy. Limiting attractants is critical in preventing these pests; homeowners must promptly place leftovers in the refrigerator or a durable container, keep all trash in sealed receptacles, and adopt excellent cleaning habits in kitchen areas. 

The other key component involves limiting points of indoor entry. For example, promptly repair or replace window screens and fill small cracks or gaps along the property's exterior.  

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Fly Infestation?

Why do I have house flies? There are a host of possible reasons why flies are invading your home. Consider speaking with a trained pest management professional regarding the cause and best available solutions. 

Westfall's Lawn and Pest is a well-established, family-owned provider of home pest control solutions that will generate positive outcomes for property owners in Venice. Contact us today for further information. 

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